How To Classify Copper Scrap When Recycling

Release Time:2024-02-05
Read: 231

Scrap copper is a renewable recycling resources, copper plant recycling to industry can be back to the furnace to regenerate copper ingots, the use of copper ingots to be processed into new copper materials.

Scrap copper in the recycling process according to the copper content can be divided into: scrap phosphorus copper, scrap beryllium copper, bright copper, copper, brass, motor copper these categories.

Scrap phosphorus copper is also called phosphor bronze: it is a kind of tin content of more than 5%, copper content of 94% of a kind of alloy copper, in the recycling process generally use spectrometer to detect.

Scrap beryllium copper is also called beryllium bronze: it is a kind of alloy copper containing beryllium metal, according to the content of beryllium is divided into high beryllium copper and low beryllium copper, beryllium content of 1.8% or more for high beryllium copper, 1.8% or less for low beryllium copper, the difference in the price of both is more than 20 bucks a kilogram, so the recycling of beryllium copper should be paid special attention to the content of beryllium.

Bright copper: generally is cable copper, wire copper, copper content of 99.8%.

Purple copper, also known as red copper, copper content of 99% or more, the appearance looks red or purple copper;

Brass, copper content in about 55%-65%, the appearance looks golden yellow.