Air conditioning copper pipe material description

Release Time:2024-05-14
Read: 116

Air conditioning as most of today’s families most often use one of the home appliances, it can be said that the frequency of use is very large, and because of the relationship between the material of its internal parts, each air conditioner has its certain life expectancy, and different brands use different materials, so resulting in air conditioning will also be different period of time, which air conditioning internal parts include copper. So, what is the copper of the air conditioner? Here on this issue, we come to a simple analysis for you.

General air conditioning will be used inside the copper pipe, and the material of good copper pipe, can ensure that the normal operation of the air conditioning, but also to prevent the refrigerant inside the air conditioning is permeated out. But some materials of copper pipe, very easy to be corroded or high wear and tear, thus leading to the internal parts of the life is reduced, and ultimately affect the operation of the air conditioner.

Now most of the air conditioning is used in the purple copper is also known as red copper, this type of material is generally relatively strong life after all, and bending performance is relatively good, the air conditioner also has a certain degree of internal protection. And most of the valves on the copper pipe, the use of brass, because its density is different from the purple copper, so the scope of use is also different.

But some brands of air conditioners use not all copper but aluminum copper, this kind of copper is not as good as purple copper no matter from the bending and connection density, so it is very easy to lead to refrigerant leakage, and even more serious things will happen. In addition, because of its material problems, so as well as being corroded, so its service life is much less than the copper, so this type of air conditioning life is relatively short a lot of years, and often have some problems.

There are even some air conditioners will be used inside the iron and other materials, which will not only affect the use of air conditioning, a little inattention may also occur some danger. The use of good materials, air conditioning, the relative price may be a little higher, but from the use of efficacy and other considerations, the choice of good materials of air conditioning in turn more affordable.