What Are The Properties Of Chalcopyrite In Daily Life?

Release Time:2024-03-25
Read: 121

Copper in our daily life is a transition element. Pure copper is a soft metal with a purple color, good ductility, high thermal and electrical conductivity. It is the most commonly used material for cables and electrical and electronic components, as well as being used as a building material and can be formed into a variety of alloys. Copper is also a durable metal that can be recycled many times without compromising its mechanical properties.

Properties of Copper Metal: Copper, with the English name:Copper, element symbol Cu, atomic weight 63.546, is a group IB metal. Density of 8.92 g / cm3, melting point of 1083.4 & plusmn0.2 ℃, boiling point of 2567 ℃, copper is a metal with a purple luster, slightly hard, extremely tough, wear-resistant, with good ductility, good thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity and corrosion resistance. Copper and its alloys are stable in dry air bodies, but in humid air bodies will form a green layer of alkaline copper carbonate Cu2(OH)2CO3 on its surface, commonly known as copper green.

Chalcopyrite is a copper-iron sulfide mineral. The chemical formula CuFeS2, often containing traces of gold, silver, etc.. Crystals are relatively rare, tetrahedral; mostly irregular granular, dense massive aggregates, but also kidney-shaped, grape-shaped aggregates. Brass, with blue and purplish-brown spots on the surface; green streaks; metallic luster, opaque; no cleavage; conductive. Hardness 3 to 4, brittle, relative density 4.1 to 4.3.

Types of Copper Deposits: Copper in nature is divided into natural copper, oxidized copper and copper sulfide. Common compounds are:copper hydroxide, copper oxide and copper sulfate.