What Is Type K Copper Pipe Used For?

Release Time:2023-11-28
Read: 140

Potable Water Supply: Type K copper pipe is often used to transport cold and hot potable (drinkable) water in residential and commercial buildings. Its high strength and resistance to corrosion make it a durable choice for water distribution systems.

Water Distribution Systems: Type K copper pipes are used to create water distribution systems, carrying water from the main supply lines to various fixtures, appliances, and outlets throughout a building.

Hydronic Heating Systems: These pipes are commonly employed in hydronic heating systems, which use hot water to provide heating in homes and businesses. Type K copper is well-suited for this purpose due to its ability to withstand high temperatures.

Fire Sprinkler Systems: Type K copper pipes are also used in fire sprinkler systems because they can handle the pressure and are fire-resistant.

Refrigeration Lines: Some refrigeration systems, including air conditioning units, use Type K copper pipes for the transportation of refrigerants and cooling fluids.

Natural Gas Distribution: In certain regions, Type K copper is used for natural gas distribution lines. However, it’s essential to follow local regulations and codes for the use of copper pipes in gas systems.